BigMouth predicts a new pandemic will soon be announced by the Whitehouse!
Bird flu seems to be the new pandemic flavor of the month. New York City officials are planning a tabletop simulation later this month to prepare for a hypothetical bird flu outbreak, a city health official revealed at the International Bird Flu Summit (read pandemic planning party), taking place this week just 20 miles from Washington, D.C. in Fairfax, Virginia. Perhaps these are the same officials associated with New York mayor Eric Adams now under indictment for ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
“New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted following a federal investigation, CBS News New York learned Wednesday night. The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York announced the specific charges Thursday, including bribery, wire fraud and conspiracy to solicit a contribution from a foreign national. "Mayor Adams engaged in a long-running conspiracy in which he solicited and knowingly accepted illegal campaign contributions from foreign donors and corporations," U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams said Thursday.
It is also abundantly clear that the CCP owns the WHO lock, stock, and Tedros too.
The 2004 Bird flu alarm was originally raised by Jeremy Farrar (now chief scientist at the WHO), Peter Horby (Wellcome Trust), and the WHO in a paper published by the New England Journal of Medicine. In 2015 this excerpt appeared in the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics: “pandemic H5N1 mock-up vaccines have been currently licensed. Mock-up vaccines are developed to generate a registration dossier, which can subsequently be used for the licensing of an actual pandemic vaccine after inclusion of a pandemic vaccine strain. This could speed up the regulatory approval process in case of a pandemic. Once the mock-up has received registration (in this case the H5N1 vaccine), licensing of a real pandemic vaccine can be reduced to five days.” That is not a very reassuring statement about vaccine safety is it?
In 94 years of virologic surveillance, a poultry-adapted influenza virus has never caused widespread human transmission, in fact less than 500 human deaths have been confirmed to have been caused by H5N1 type A (the WHO’s favorite strain). Haven’t you seen this alarm? “Forty-seven tigers, three lions and a panther have died in zoos in south Vietnam due to the H5N1 bird flu virus, state media said recently”. One wonders how transmission occurred, do they house tigers, lions and panthers with chickens, or is it food born?
Information on how many chickens actually died from bird flu, or tested positive, or were in a chicken house being culled during so-called bird flu pandemics is withheld from the public. Interestingly enough, between 2003 and 2009, US scientists found that 10% of healthy birds were positive for an influenza A (bird flu) virus. However, scientists in many countries have been developing more virulent flu viruses, often working in generously funded clandestine bioweapons laboratories.
The timing of the pandemic exercise in New York may indicate an improved version has been in production and is now ready for widespread release, perhaps through the food supply since effective airborn transmission person to person has been more difficult to achieve. Of course it is the vaccines which are the real death machines.
Bob Dylan had the most sublime premonitory vision of this era in his 1965 Desolation Row.
Now at midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do
Then they bring them to the factory
Where the heart-attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders
And then the kerosene
Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping
To Desolation Row
Praise be to Nero’s Neptune
The Titanic sails at dawn
And everybody’s shouting
“Which Side Are You On?” — Desolation Row from the album Highway 61 Revisited
The US election cycle, war in the middle east, war involving Russia and Ukraine, left or right, vax or anti-vax, equity and inclusion, gun rights, on and on it goes until the Titanic sails at dawn. Which side are you on, or perhaps you can see the whole picture (no praise to Neptune)?
Dawn Raids, Assaults, Imprisonment: How Germany’s Government Treats Good Doctors
By World Council for Health, 2 October 2024
On 8 June 2024, a call regarding ‘Mask Exemption Certificates and House Searches’ was initiated by Dr Walter Weber, head of the doctors’ association Ärzte für Aufklärung. On this call, we received some shocking information: in Germany, there is a “blacklist” of about 200 doctors who issued mask exemptions and as a result are apparently monitored by state security. Around 100 doctors who had issued similar certificates then came forward. Approximately 95% of these doctors experienced unannounced house searches, with one doctor being searched eight times.
These house searches typically took place from 6 am and often lasted during office hours for 1 to 3 hours. In many cases, doors were broken down, and there were reports of inappropriate treatment of those affected. One example is Rolf Kron, who had to endure sitting in his nightgown with an open door for hours in the winter. Physical violence was also a concerning issue: Dr. Woitzel had to undergo a leg amputation due to police violence.
Psychological and Physical Consequences
These reports of physical assaults are alarming. An eye doctor from Münster suffered hearing loss after a violent incident. Moreover, several female colleagues became seriously ill, and one doctor, Dr. Ströer, was sentenced to two years in prison without parole and died six months later “for no reason.” Dr. Bianca Witzschel has been in pre-trial detention for 1.5 years due to a negative expert report, while a counter-report was rejected by the judge.
The Financial Implications Are Also Severe
Many doctors had to “buy their freedom,” paying sums of up to 6,000 euros. One colleague reported costs of around 30,000 euros because the waiting room chairs did not meet the required distance. Most doctors affected agree to the anonymised publication of their experiences, underscoring the gravity of the situation.
Smeared, Ostracised and Silenced
The local press often reported on these doctors, leading to defamation and slander. Families were bullied, including children. The medical profession in Germany, consisting of about 150,000 practising doctors, has been silenced by this systematic persecution. The 200 or so doctors willing to issue mask exemptions constitute less than 0.00013% of the total number.
There is no justification for such treatment – but there is plenty of justification for these doctors having issued mask exemptions.
Joseph Mercola’s take on the Ozempic (semaglutide) craze
Ozempic, a diabetes drug now used for weight loss, is part of a massive fraud that could harm millions, especially children, by treating obesity without addressing its root causes
The obesity epidemic is driven in part by ultraprocessed foods designed to override natural satiety mechanisms, not by a lack of weight loss drugs like Ozempic
The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act could mandate government coverage for obesity medications for 74% of Americans, costing over $3 trillion annually without addressing underlying health issues
Ozempic's maker, Novo Nordisk, has become a top lobbying spender in the U.S., pushing for expanded drug coverage while downplaying significant side effects like muscle loss, suicidal thoughts and increased cancer risk
Naturally increasing GLP-1 levels through gut bacteria like Akkermansia muciniphila offers an alternative to Ozempic, promoting overall gut health without the risks associated with long-term pharmaceutical use
I have been using Akkermansia for about two months and find it very soothing for the gut. It is a new generation probiotic now available online. Cannot confirm any weight-loss benefits though.